Tantric Massage in the UK
Tantric Massage is defined as been an old healing technique that was formed many centuries ago. It was formulated to release natural energy from within the body to deal with physical and emotional trauma. Tantric Massage is basically just like a regular massage. However, it was created with the belief that sexually happy individuals are healthier in life. Your entire body will be massaged including some of your sensitive areas.
In this type of massage, both the persons should have trust in each other. This form of massage is more of an intimate massage. Although it’s a very sensual massage, it does not involve sexual interaction between the person involved in the massaging act. The person receiving the Tantric Massage allows the other person to have full control over their body. The client needs to relax and completely trust the other person. Tantra Massage is one of the best forms of massage that exists in our society today. You will feel completely relaxed, but you will still be wide awake.
A basic outline for Tantra Massage:
- Create a relaxing environment through a comfortable massage area, which can be a table or bed.
- Enhance relaxation through the use of aromatherapy incense, candles, ambient music, and relaxation massage.
- Provide breathing and meditation instruction to further enhance relaxation and facilitate the rest of the service.
- Balance recipient energies by opening, clearing, balancing, and reactivating Chakra energies.
- Trigger natural body chemical and enzyme releases through sensual and/or erotic stimulation.
The preparatory steps are very important PRIOR to any stimulating touch being done in more sensitive areas and is essential for the healing portions of the service to work correctly. So, the first part of the service is preparation for the stimulating part of the service, so that it will be the most effective for healing purposes. But not only does the preparation enhance the healing properties of the massage, but also enhances the intensity of the stimulating part of the service, a dual purpose for the preparation.
Role of the receiver
The receiver must breathe slowly and deeply with their abdomen. Exhale with the mouth as this would awaken your consciousness and make your experience many times more enjoyable. If a particular touch does not seem soothing, breathe in and relax and try and find if it can be made more pleasant by dropping all obstructions. But if it is not happening do not hesitate to let your masseuse know.
Role of the giver
Use your heart and feel the connection with the client. Imagine in your mind that the body is new to you and massaging is like exploring an unknown country. Instead of seeing limbs and torso and skin and bones see curves and shadows, light playing between shapes. Let your touch be a nurturing one. Let it be full of compassion and love. Make sure to touch every chakra.
Tantric Full Body Massage
It involves nudity and massage, but it’s about more than sex, it’s about reminding people that pleasure is about the whole body, not just the groin. It can balance your energies and awareness. You need to take your mind off your orgasm and let yourself in the magnificent hands of the masseuse.
Tantric Healing Massage
Most often performed through tantric massage, is a form of hands-on bodywork. Unlike other forms of massage, this sacred practice incorporates the tantric essence of shakti or energy. It can touch the deepest layers and aspects of a human being and be a profound instrument of spiritual and emotional healing. Most notably, tantric healing is believed to remove energetic blockages related to sexual trauma.
Neo Tantric Massage
Is the modern, Western variation of Tantra, associated with tantric sexuality.
Lingam Massage
Lingam massage, derived from the Sanskrit word for “penis,” is a type of tantric practice that involves massaging the penis and the areas around it. The goal of a lingam massage isn’t only to reach orgasm. The ultimate intent is to experience a full-body sexual and spiritual pleasure.
Yoni Massage
Offers a holistic approach to feminine well-being and should form an important part of a woman’s health-care regime. Yoni massage sometimes referred to as yoni massage therapy or vaginal massage, carries many benefits which include stress and anxiety relief, the release of negative and stagnant emotions, increased orgasmic potential, increased vitality, improved creativity and a deeper connection to the body.
Mutual Massage
This indicates that a tantric massage practitioner will be fully nude, and allow you to touch their body at the same time they touch yours. It is a better way to connect and receive more pleasure, you being touched and you touching, all at the same time.
Prostate Massage
Is the practice of massaging the male prostate for therapeutic reasons. It can be defined as the act of massaging the prostate for the pure pleasure factor, as well as a bevvy of other sexual and health benefits. Perhaps most excitingly, it can offer the recipient more powerful orgasms than he’s ever experienced before.
4 Hands Massage
In a four-hands massage, two therapists work on one client, often using synchronized moves. A four-hands massage can be like experiencing two full-body massages at the same time. This is a powerful treatment for anyone who has a hard time letting go during treatments.
Couple Massage
The tantric massage therapist will help and guide a couple, to experience and discover together the tantric massage and practice. This tantric ritual helps calm the nervous system and promote reconnection on a physical, emotional and spiritual level.