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Erotic Massage

Erotic Massage in the UK


Erotic Massageis the use of massage techniques focused on the recipient’s erogenous zones. Typically, this includes a combination of traditional massage techniques with sensual strokes. Depending on personal preferences and on the type of the massage, it can either remain lightly arousing or become more intensely. It is used by some as a part of sex, and by others as sex therapy.

Either way, the idea behind giving an Erotic Massage is to give pleasure to the recipient through touch. This usually leads to orgasm, or a ‘happy ending’ but it doesn’t have too. If you are happily single, a professional Erotic Masseuse may be a great option for you. It is not always easy to be sexually active in today’s world if you are not in a relationship. That is why so many singletons choose to opt for a professional masseuse, to ease their sexual tensions and release any built-up frustration.

Erotic Massage is through the stimulation and stroking of the skin that sexually sensitive nerve receptors are set alight. The human body has a tremendous capacity to experience pleasure through its five senses: sight, sound, smell, taste and, above all, touch. Heightening these senses to the point of exquisite joy is a playful art that brings a new and deeper level of intimacy between two people.


Nuru Massage 

Originating in Japan, Nuru is a style of the body to body massage using an organic gel made from nori seaweed. The Nuru Massage is an incredibly erotic experience in which your masseuse will slide her nude body over you, relieving any tension and relaxing all your muscles.



Soapy Massage 

Is a type of erotic massage involving water, soap and fun. It is a different way to enjoy an erotic massage, starting with an assisted shower and finishing on a mattress. The foam will cover the client body and the masseuse will use her nude body as a massage tool.


Therapeutic Massage Therapeutic Massage

Tantric massageTantric Massage

Sensual massageSensual Massage 

Fetish massage

Fetish Massage