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How To Run Your Own Massage Therapy Practice.

5 Best Tips For Running Your Own Massage Therapy Practice

Running a successful massage therapy practice can be a tiresome task, as you will know.

There are many challenges to face and in order for it to grow and become more successful, there are things you can do to massively increase your chances of success.

Check out our 5 tips to running a successful massage therapy practice

1. Organization

In the beginning, it is important to figure out your processes and make plans for implementation. You need to decide how your ideal client would be like, how you will going to retain ideal clients, how you would handle no shows, late clients, and confrontation.  
These things are not always fun to think about but we all know that they will come up, sooner or later. 
Having a plan or a policy in place helps create consistency in your practice and will show clients that you are well prepared to address the issues that come up. It will also give you confidence in handling uncomfortable situations.
You can even create “scripts” for no shows or inappropriate clients. Knowing what you’re going to say beforehand and having a plan of action will give you the professionalism needed to be successful.

2. Look after yourself

Personal presence is worth thinking about. 
How you communicate verbally and non-verbally will ultimately determine your success when working with other people.  
Some questions to ask yourself:

–  What is my posture saying about me?

–  Is my hygiene on point?

–  Do I look people in the eye?

–  Would I feel confident with myself if I were a massage client?

Personal presence also means looking at the “energy” you’re putting out there. Are you aware of yourself? Do you listen to your clients or can they tell that you are off in la-la land?  

If you aren’t feeling your best, how can you provide your client with the best quality service?

So, make time to do the things you enjoy doing and rest – after all, standing on your feet all day will eventually take its toll!

3. Create a solid foundation

By foundation, we mean a good profile/website that will help illustrate you as professionally as possible.

With so many people searching online for wellness services now, a good profile/website will help you to draw in those ideal clients!

Your profile/website should allow clients to do more than simply book appointments.

It should include content that adds value to the services that you provide, such as a background to the treatments and the benefits to your clients, or it should answer commonly asked questions or resolve issues that may stop clients from booking with you.

A good profile/website can help to build trust, as potential clients can use it to get to know you a bit better.

And the more they trust you, the more likely they are to book an appointment with you.

4. Communicate with your clients

Communication forms the basis of any good relationship – so you always need to keep your client informed.

This might be letting them know of any offers, new services or important information that they need to know.

Or it could simply be reminding them of an upcoming appointment! 

This can be done verbally, with a telephone call or through email.

However you choose to communicate with your clients – always make sure they are happy, to show them that you care!

5. Stand out from your competitors

One of the biggest issues that so many massage businesses face is a lack of differentiation.

So many businesses are afraid to stand out from the crowd, but if you’re only willing to do the same things as everyone else… how will you encourage business growth?

Standing out from your competitors, as scary as it may seem, is essential in order to maximise your business’ potential!


There are 5 key steps you can take to do this:

1.  Position yourself as a massage expert.

2.  Build strong relationships with your clients

3.  Make the whole experience as simple as possible for your clients

4.  Look after your clients and they will look after you.

5.  Encourage testimonials

Following these 5 tips will help you start to create a more successful massage business that will continue to grow, over the coming years!

And pay special attention to your competitors – the more you can stand out from them the better.


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